Habit Tracker (with Streaks)

This is a basic daily habit tracker built by @Greg Brimble. It has two pages:

  • Habits The Habits table view is where you setup a habit to track (e.g. Eat Healthy). The streak for each habit is reported on this Table.
  • Log The Log views (calendars & table) are where you log each record of a habit (e.g. if you Brush[ed your] teeth today, you'd create a log entry). Consecutive log entries for a given habit contribute to the habit streak.


Personally, I'd tweak the Log page to use Created At date, rather than the manually set one, in order to minimize friction in recording a habit log. I only created it with the manual date in this example to speed up prototyping.







Longest Ever Streak (I started this, but didn't quite finish it - there are some currently hidden fields for part of the setup)
Dynamic habit period (i.e. not just a single day interval, but perhaps, for example, once a week)
Better experience for almost recorded logs (currently, if the log streak is broken by one day, the streak shows zero - but the log may be just about to be inputted)