Ali’s Annual Review Template

Jan 7, 2020 1:17 AM

🙏 Stuff I’m grateful for

Write down everything you’re grateful for. Here are some general categories, but feel free to make your own.
  1. Taim - Podcast has been quite fun. Good chats. Good sounding board.
  1. Japan - Good family bonding time. Nice to experience business class.
  1. YouTube growth
  1. My desk setup is amazing and inspiring
Game Changers
  1. Standard

🧬 Stuff I Discovered this year

  1. The Wheel of Time series

🧪 Life Lessons

  1. Daily highlight

⚗️ Stuff to work on for next year

Feel free to make your own categories, or elaborate on these as much as you like. One of the most fun parts about doing an annual review is building your own structure around it 😄


  1. Consistent gym


  1. Figure out what speciality to apply for and when

Side Hustles

  1. More video collabs

🧺 Bucket List

Feel free to make this as unrealistic as you like.
  1. Become a Gymshark Athlete