Oct 23, 2019 3:07 AM
AoF/AoR means Area of Focus / Area of Responsibility (like Errands, Personal, Work and so on). I've implemented Inbox into these areas, just because of easy filtering.
Eisenhower GTD FiltersThe Mind Sweep
filterd with context home, no due, no waiting for, check is not "checked"
Check | Description | AoF/AoR | Context | Project | last edit |
Office | 5minLOW_ENERGYHomeurgent | Project 1 | Oct 23, 2019 3:07 AM |
filterd with context office, no due, no waiting for, check is not "checked"
Check | Description | AoF/AoR | Context | Project | last edit |
Office | importanturgentHIGH_ENERGY60minOffice | Oct 23, 2019 3:07 AM |
GTD Calendar
ALL Tasks with a due date will be filterd out of every linked database. In GTD, tasks with due date go to your calendar. This is my way of implementing this into notion, because i dont want to put tasks in my google calendar.