Review (template)
Review (template)

Review (template)

Start by clicking "New" and choosing the "Weekly Review"- template. All relevant databases with relevant filters are shown here, to help you plan unplanned items (similar to on the "Quick review" page), as well as re-evaluate to-do's marked "Sometimes". The review also helps you with any items you might have laying around that needs planning; for example paper, your e-mail inbox and items in your calendar.
NameReview-periodTypeRatingExplain the ratingThree words to describe the weekWho impressed you?Share it with them!ChallengesGrateful forWins
March 2, 2020 β†’ March 8, 2020
9 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†

Made my entire workspace into a notion template!


A bit much at work at the moment

The support of my family

Finished project A!